Pols 321 Paper assignment – Due 2/26/10 by 5 PM
Again no more than 8 double spaced pages (12pt font) excluding references
Pick three nations-states but make sure that two are current US clients (one wealthy (a member of the OECD) and one poor), and one that is a non-US client (and not an enemy). Also make sure that each nation-state comes from a different geographic continent. Use the sources listed below (others if you want) to write a “memorandum” for each nation-state about the current and historical relationship of that nation-state and the United States. Think of this as a briefing memo about each nation-state for Secretary of State Clinton as she is meeting with important representatives of each of these nation-states shortly after she receives your report. She is depending upon you to know what current US policy is toward that country and what political, economic, and security issues are of importance to the representatives of those nations. For instance she should know about levels and types of foreign assistance, military aid, and sales, training etc. that the US is providing. She ought to know about specific military, political or economic problems the regime in those countries face. She also should know about the political, economic, and cultural profiles of the countries.
Department of State http://www.state.gov/
Treaties in force http://www.state.gov/s/l/treaty/treaties/2009/index.htm
Background Notes for Countries http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/
Department of Defense http://www.defenselink.mil/
Foreign Military Assistance http://www.fas.org/asmp/profiles/aid/aidindex.htm
CIA http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html
USAID http://www.usaid.gov/
US AID – Database for US foreign assistance http://qesdb.cdie.org/gbk/index.html